Fostering a Diverse
& Inclusive Environment
OUR COMMITMENT is to provide quality employment and decent working conditions for people of all backgrounds and promote a culture of diversity and inclusion.
For many years and to date, Lebanon has had one of the highest overall gender gaps in the world with labor market participation hovering at 29% for women and 76% for men. Women’s employment rate in Lebanon is projected to drop from 19% to 14% due to the current economic contraction rates according to the UN Women. As for Saudi Arabia, women’s employment is a key topic at the heart of the Kingdom’s ‘Vision 2030’ which aims to create 1 million jobs for women and, thus, increase women’s participation in the job market from 22% to 30%. In 2020, the Saudi female labor force participation increased from 25.9% in the first quarter to 31.4% in the second quarter with 7,782 women getting involved in the construction sector, where women’s employment was previously prohibited by law.
Management Approach
INDEVCO has been providing a diverse and inclusive workplace for over six decades. Women and people with disabilities both are key priorities in our group, with coordination and programs between our HR/operations, universities, educational institutions, and partner NGOs. Accordingly, the company continuously enhances efforts to provide working mothers with a work-life balance and offering people with disabilities quality and accommodating work.
Development Goals
170 Persons with Disabilities
in Egypt, Lebanon, and Saudi Arabia
100% of Working Mothers
in Lebanon with a child 8 years
or younger are eligible to benefit
from flexible work hours